Setting up a Python Project

Last updated on 2023-06-08 | Edit this page



  • How should I structure a Python project?
  • How can I test my code to prevent bugs?


  • Make our repository follow a ‘standard’ Python project format
  • Add a test and testing framework
  • Run the tests and a linter on GitLab - using a branch and a Pull Request

Structuring a Project

Vlad and Wolfsman are still investigating how to send a planetary lander to Mars and other planets or moons. They need to start crunching numbers and they decided to start a Python project.

planetsmathMars by European Space Agency / CC-BY-SA 3.0 IGO. Pluto / Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech. Moon © Luc Viatour / / CC BY-SA 3.0. Spacecraft CC 0.

Most Python projects are structured in a similar way. There are very good reasons for this - if you follow the ‘standard’, other people who approach your code will recognise parts of it and will know by default how to install your code, run any tests that might exist, and where to look for source code or to change things like the dependencies that are required.

The following is a simple Python project with a typical structure (the .git directory is omitted):


├── .editorconfig
├── .github
│   └── workflows
│       ├── linters.yaml
│       └── pytest.yaml
├── .gitignore
│   └── Apache-2.0.txt
├── LICENSE.txt
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml
├── .pylintrc
├── requirements.txt
├── .reuse
│   ├── dep5
│   └── templates
│       └── compact.jinja2
└── src
    └── planetsmath

You can see this sample project here and clone it with:


$ git clone

We’ll talk of these folders/files one at a time:


The source tree where all the Python files reside.


Inside the project source tree we normally have a folder which matches the name of the Python module. This is done so that from the src directory, the code within the module can be imported with:


import planetsmath

You can see this for e.g. in the source repository of the NumPy library.

Within this folder, we can store code files (e.g. and further subdirectories. These will then be importable too.

This is just a standard Python file with methods in it. You can have as many of these as you like, but generally people organise them around what the code is doing. So for e.g if you have a few methods that deal with I/O, you might create a file called and put all of those methods there. Organising your code across multiple files like this is a very good idea - it makes it easier to find things.

The file is effectively as set of instructions that get run when you import a Python module. So with a blank, nothing happens if you run import planetsmath in a Python session. If you want to use methods from the file. What is common is to import certain methods into the top level of the module, for e.g.:


from .functions import sum_function

Then, in a Python session, you would be able to do the following:


>>> import planetsmath
>>> planetsmath.sum_function([1, 2, 3, 4])

A file is just a list of instructions for Python that tell it how to install your package, and what it’s made up of. There are a myriad of options, but a very simple one for this project could be:


from setuptools import setup


Notice that there is a section called ‘install_requires’. This isn’t required for our package, as we’re not using NumPy, but it is very common to see a list of external packages here. On install with pip, Python will check to see if it can import ‘numpy’ and ‘matplotlib’. If it can’t, the installation will fail.


This is just a text file where you can put any dependencies your package needs to work. If necessary, you can constrain some of your package dependencies to specific versions, for e.g.:



To install all of the dependencies, you can run pip install -r requirements.txt. This is well known by most people working with Python. Generally you should try to install things via pip like this, and not via Anaconda (unless you have no choice). This is because Anaconda is less portable: - Is not usable by commercial organisations without a paid for license. This matters if you have external companies as collaborators - Was introduced mainly for distributing compiled dependencies. This is now well handled by pip with the introduction of wheels - Anaconda is not usable or is heavily discouraged on many HPC clusters.

This file offers general information about the project. It is the one displayed by GitHub at the end of the code page. It is possible to add badges with the status of the CI tests.

Other files

  • instructions for collaborators and your future self.
  • LICENSE.txt (and .reuse and LICENSES): it’s the common place for your project’s license, seen also in the licensing episode, very important when making your code public. See the Licensing compliance section below for a complete licensing solution : reuse can establish and verify licensing complaiance.
  • src/planetsmath/ unit tests for, see the (testing section)[# GitHub CI: unit tests and linting] below.

Hidden files, visible with ls -a: - .editorconfig: joint comfiguration recognized by many different editors - .git and .gitignore: Git internal files, seen in the Creating a repository and Ignoring Things episodes respectively - .github directory: contains GitHub automation files, see the testing and GitHub CI section below. - .pre-commit-config.yaml: pre-commit configuration file, see the next section. - .pylintrc: configuration file of pylint, a python linter

Adding Pre-commit checks

It is possible to run some checks before each commit command, taking advantage of the hooks mechanism in Git. A pre-commit will guarantee that committed code always follows the desired standard. To start using pre-commit you have to add a pre-commit config file and to install pre-commit.

Add a pre-commit config file named .pre-commit-config.yaml with the following content for an initial set of checks:


# For more information see
  # force all unspecified python hooks to run python3
  python: python3
  - repo: ""
    rev: v4.1.0
      - id: check-ast
      - id: check-docstring-first
      - id: check-toml
      - id: check-merge-conflict
      - id: check-yaml
      - id: end-of-file-fixer
      - id: fix-byte-order-marker
      - id: mixed-line-ending
      - id: trailing-whitespace
          - "--markdown-linebreak-ext=md"
  - repo: ""
    rev: v1.9.0
      - id: python-check-blanket-noqa
      - id: python-check-blanket-type-ignore
      - id: python-use-type-annotations
  - repo: ""
    rev: 5.10.1
      - id: isort
  - repo: ""
    rev: 22.3.0
      - id: black
  - repo: ""
    rev: v2.6.2
      - id: prettier
          - "python"
          - "prettier"
          - "prettier-plugin-toml@0.3.1"
  - repo: ""
    rev: v2.31.0
      - id: pyupgrade
          - "--py36-plus"
  - repo: ""
    rev: v0.14.0
      - id: reuse
          - python-debian==0.1.40

To install it run from the repository root:


pre-commit install

You may want to setup automatic notifications for pre-commit enabled repos. This will suggest updates to your .pre-commit-config.yaml:

You can also run pre-commit manually to check all the files:


pre-commit run --all-files

Licensing compliance

Planets Math is released under the Apache 2.0 license and license compliance is handled with the REUSE tool. REUSE is installed as development dependency or you can install it manually (pip install reuse). All files should have a license notice:

  • to check compliance you can use reuse lint. This is the command run also by the pre-commit and CI checks

  • you can add on top of new files SPDX license notices like

    # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Fermi Research Alliance, LLC
    # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
  • or let REUSE do that for you (FILEPATH is your new file):


    reuse addheader --year 2023 --copyright="Fermi Research Alliance, LLC" \
      --license="Apache-2.0" --template=compact FILEPATH
  • Files that are not supported and have no comments to add the SPDX notice can be added to the .reuse/dep5 file

  • New licenses can be added to the project using reuse download LCENSEID. Please contact project management if this is needed.

GitHub CI: unit tests and linting

First, we’ll introduce a new file. In the src/planetsmath subdirectory, in a file called we can write any tests of methods in The library pytest is commonly used for unit tests like this. Pytest can pick up tests written in the following way:


from .functions import sum_function

def test_sum_function():
    assert sum_function([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) == 15.0
    assert sum_function([1, 2.2, 3, 4, 5]) == 15.2
    assert sum_function([-1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) == 13

Note that both the file name and the method inside have the same name of the module and function they wasnt to test, but are preceded with test_ - this is compulsory!

With this, when pytest is installed, you can run ‘py.test -v’ at the command line, and all of your tests will run. With unit tests like this, you can check your code for correctness.

Next, create a file called .github/workflows/pytest.yaml with the following content:


# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Fermi Research Alliance, LLC
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

name: PyTest
      - "**" # matches every branch
      - main

    name: Run unit test against code tree
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: checkout code tree
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Set up Python 3.7
        uses: actions/setup-python@v2
          python-version: "3.7"
          architecture: "x64"
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
          python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
          if [ -f requirements.txt ]; then python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt; fi
      - name: Unit test
          PYTHONPATH: ${{ github.workspace }}/src
        run: |
          python3 -m pytest --import-mode=append src

This is a basic recipe that will allow your tests to run on GitHub. Add both of these files to your staging area and commit them, and then push to GitHub.

The planetsmath example includes a second CI configuration file, to run common Python linters.


  • While there is often variation, most Python projects follow a similar structure for their code
  • Doing so is beneficial because it allows components of your code to be reused more easily by yourself and others
  • Testing can be ‘automatic’ rather than manual. This catches many issues before they become a problem - this is continuous integration
  • The concepts here can be used for all programming languages - not just Python - and are pretty much universally used by professional software developers